four horsemen of the apocalypse

Hellish Book One: Tortured Souls

Hellish Book One: Tortured Souls

$12.99eBook: $4.99

Every thirty seconds someone reaches for a blade, pills, or gun in an attempt to end their life. Every twelve minutes, an unsuspecting victim succumbs to the silent demons that call them home—for some it is born of mental illness such as depression or schizophrenia, for others substance abuse, and still more are driven mad by traumatic events. And amid the darkness and despair, there is one sinister force manipulating these innocent lives—Belial, The Fallen, who seeks to bring about the end of humanity through calculated deception and manipulation.


Michael stands alone against this malevolent being; his tortured soul bearing the scars of years of nightmares and hidden memories. His only solace now coming from the needle's embrace or white powder in his nose. But at this moment of ultimate desperation, he discovers his true purpose: To save humanity from the grasp of Belial’s wicked design.

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Hellish Book Two: The Chosen

Hellish Book Two: The Chosen

$12.99eBook: $4.99

Just when Michael thought the nightmares couldn't get any worse, he's pulled through a series of tortures that push him to the brink of annihilation. With his body and soul completely broken, he discovers he's been chosen to be the champion against the evil that's been tormenting him, and must summon the strength within himself to either fight back or watch the destruction of the world and all that he holds dear.

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Scott Dokey